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After hours? On the go? Call while we were assisting other guests? Don't like to play back and forth on the phone?

Scheduling is super easy and convenient 24/7 with our online booking app!

We do NOT accept walk-ins, appointment is required.

You will receive text/email reminders regarding your appointment. Failure to cancel your scheduled appointment will result in 100% charge for the time/service reserved.

When scheduling, please note that if you or anyone in your party have recently received a SPRAY TAN, COLORED YOUR HAIR you must call the spa for further instruction and recommendations.

If you have VIBRANT HAIR COLORS unfortunately, we will not be able to float you. If you reserve time and have spray tan, hair color or vibrant colors or you reserved time for someone else who does you will be responsible for 100% of the reservation cost. No exceptions or discounts.

If you are late for your appointment we make every effort to still accommodate you, however, if our schedule does not allow for making up your time you will be charged for the appointment and we will not accommodate your float.

Please read our Policy Page prior to booking your appointment.

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